This function merges the peak and valley landmarks locations and fills in NA if the landmark is not detected.
peak_landmark_list = NULL,
valley_landmark_list = NULL,
landmark_align_type = NULL,
midpoint_type = "valley",
neg_candidate_thres = asinh(10/5 + 1)
Matrix of peak landmark detection results. Rows are samples, and column(s) are the peak locations.
Matrix of valley landmark detection results. Rows are samples, and column(s) are the valley locations.
Algin the peak and valleys using one of the "negPeak", "negPeak_valley", "negPeak_valley_posPeak", and "valley" alignment modes.
Fill in the missing first valley by the midpoint of two positive peaks ("midpoint") or impute by other valleys ("valley").
The upper bound for the negative peak. Users can refer to their IgG samples to obtain the minimal upper bound of the IgG sample peak. It can be one of the values of asinh(4/5+1), asinh(6/5+1), or asinh(8/5+1) if the right 95% quantile of IgG samples is large.
if (FALSE) {
peak_landmark_list = peak_landmark_list,
valley_landmark_list = valley_landmark_list,
landmark_align_type = "negPeak_valley_posPeak"