Practical Shell Commands to Manipulate Genome Data

Fast and Neat!

  • Filter file 2 by file 1 column 1.

– Found here

awk 'FNR==NR{a[$1];next};!($1 in a)' file1 file2 > file3


FNR == NR: This test is true when the number of records is equal to the number of records in the file. This is only true for the first file, for the second file NR will be equal to the number of lines of file1 + FNR.

a[$1]: Create an array element index of the first field of file1.

next: skip to the next record so no more processing is done on file1.

!($1 in a): See if the first field ($1) is present in the array, ie in file1, and print the whole line (to file3).

  • Print number in certain column.
awk '{split($13, editDist, ":");split($16, mismatch, ":"); split($17, gap, ":"); split($18, gapLen, ":"); printeditDist[3]"\t"mismatch[3]+gapLen[3]"\t"mismatch[3]"\t"gap[3]"\t"gapLen[3]}' n3yesn2no.sam >n3yesn2no_summary.sam

awk 'FNR==NR{a[$1];next};($1 in a)' file1 file2 > file3
  • Group by the first and second column and sum the third column.
awk '{a[$1" "$2]+=$3}END{for (i in a) print i,a[i]}' aaa.txt | sort
  • Insert a column after certain column. e.g.insert after the second column
awk '$2 = $2 FS "0"' file >outfile
  • Sort value eg. chr1 1005; chr1 105. -> chr1 105; chr1 1005
sort -k1,1V -k2,2n infile >outfile

sort -g: exponential value

sort -r: decreasing order

  • wc -l write to file: remove the path of the counted file:
sed 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/' input >outfile

less input: 284 /p/keles/ENCODE-TE/volume13/SRR881996_Large/defaultDir/fithicDir/chr1/ 281 /p/keles/ENCODE-TE/volume13/SRR881996_Large/defaultDir/fithicDir/chr2/ less output: 284 281

  • Split a large file into parts.
-l equal lines in each part
-b equal bytes in each part
-d enables a numeric suffix like prefix00 prefix01
enabling the option -a to 1, single digit numeric suffix is se.t
  • Find multiple folder size.
du -sch *
  • awk filter by variable values. Cannot input the variable directly, instead define a new value and compare with the column of interest:
awk '$1 < thre {print $0}' thre=$thre input
  • awk print just change the first column and print all the column except the modified first column:
awk -v OFS="\t" '{split($1, id, "."); $1=""; {print id[1]"."id[2], $0}}' SRR881997_2_01_noheader.sam >/mnt/gluster/yzheng74/HiC/HiCPro/data/SRR881997_2_01_noheader
  • For duplicate parital columns (for example, column2-5), keep the first row when duplicate column2-5 appear.
awk '{if(! a[$1]){print; a[$1]++}}'
more condemssed way :
awk '!a[$1]++' file
  • Sum one column values.
awk '{s+=$1} END {printf "%.0f", s}' mydatafile
awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}' mydatafile
  • Read from file separated by “,” and save as array.
IFS=$"," read -r -a test <infile
  • When sort or picard runs, use tmp folder created locally instead of /tmp or $TMPDIR for space quota safety.
sort -T 
picard -jar TMP_DIR=tmp
  • Always use sort -T /localFolder/sorttmp when sort a large file on a group server where you have no control of timely cleaning temporary files under /tmp/. Instead, mkdir -p /localFolder/sorttmp and save all the temporary sorting files there to avoid running out of space under /tmp/ and teminate your specious sorting jobs.

  • search string in file including TAB;

grep -P 'A\tB'
  • World readable:
chmod 777 -R folder
  • Insert one column at any position:
awk -v OFS="\t" '$17 = $17 FS "\t0,255,0"' inFile >outFile
insert 0,255,0 at the 18th column.
  • Print the lines if the first column contains certain pattern (partially matched):
awk '$1 ~ /snow/ { print $0}' dummy_file 
  • print columns that start with “MD”:
awk '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++){if ($i ~/^MD:/) {print $i}}}' infile
  • merge two file: every two lines from one file and two lines from another:
awk '{key=$0; getline; getline x<"testsq"; getline y<"testsq";print key "\n" $0 "\n" x "\n" y;}' testseq


Copyright 2017-present Ye Zheng.

Released under the MIT license.